Windows 10 and 11 have a feature called Focus Assist which enhances productivity amongst your team. There will be a new update that will allow you to not be disturbed so no notifications or messages will pop up. They will be ready for you when you are done. Just don't forget to switch it off […]
As a business owner, you can get pulled in many different directions. People want to constantly talk to you and that can interrupt your own set of tasks that need to get done. How can you get things done if you are always getting interrupted? Well, there are plenty of tools that can help make […]
Ransomware is very prevalent and most of the time businesses are not aware of it. We advise that you never pay a ransom fee because there is no guarantee they will give you back your data and you might be a target again in the future. The only way to protect your business is to […]
Working from home has become the normal in which video calls are expected. We have three things you should be thinking about for your video calls. You should have a good webcam, such as a 4k camera. Sound is also important so make sure you have a headset or desk microphone. Don't forget lighting! Natural […]
If you can't remember your passwords or don't like creating new ones, then passkey will help. All you need to do is use your phone and computer and verify that it's you with a PIN, fingerprint, or your face. It's really that simple and should help with phishing and data breaches. If you need help, […]
Most businesses use Teams and has become increasingly popular since the pandemic. Teams has made exponential growth and has three new features coming out soon. The first being when you change the name of a Teams channel, the name of its corresponding Sharepoint folder will also change. Second, Teams calls will be from your browser […]
Passwords are immensely important to keep information secure for your business. Microsoft has rolled out a new feature that saves passwords automatically but is important to know that you should not allow your team to use their password manager built into their browser. We understand that you have many accounts and passwords but you should […]
Teams has become vital in the work environment. So we wanted to tell you a few tricks about using Teams. You can mark a message as important, teams can read your messages to you, and access to shortcuts. Now you can use Teams even better.
Technology is constantly evolving and your business should reflect change and growth as much as possible. You cannot stay in one place or use archaic practices when you're running a business. It's important to know and utilize the best methods for your business so you and your team can be successful. You've probably come to […]
Prices everywhere are increasing however data shows that businesses are spending more money on IT this year. Business are seeing that spending money on IT in the present will help them in the long term. Such increase in spending is going towards things like data storage, servers, and devices. Security is important and it's worth […]